Monday 10 December 2012

RPole Snap and Win competition

Ania Pole Snap and Win winner

We asked her about the photograph she submitted

The photographer is Michal Kosakowsky
The photographs are team work, we both collaborated, i don’t remember who exactly suggested to move the pole to that glass windows, but opposite was the graffiti area, where we intend to take pictures at. `Then we noticed a nice reflection in the glass windows, and moved there. We had been experimenting, for example I developed the pole positions, and Michal worked with the unusual angles.

The shoes I am wearing are Japanese Tabi, They are very comfortable, light weight and look unusual . Japanese farmers use to use them to climb up the trees. I been doing a few butch performances wearing them, when performed outdoors, because they are protecting the foot, and at the same time the feet  movements are not restricted, and you feel like you not wearing any shoes. They also made me feel in a samurai warier or ninja spirit  -  it’s a right mood, which usually helps with the most complicated pole tricks.
The other sport clothes I was wearing was because i wanted to focus on acrobatic, and the sport  side of the pole dance and also because the photo shot was outdoors, it made me feel a bit more safe rather than if I wear a bikini or skimpier clothing

On the day of the photo shoot we had been taking lots of pictures, may be more than 500 (Michal probably knows the exact number, for me I was just enjoying the pole
J and most of the photos were amazing, because he is a great photographer, and we tried lots of different locations and ideas!

What I would like to say to the reader is POLE PASSION FITNESS FOREVER! The best way to get fit, and to get healthy, or to get clever, or to get sexier, to get anything you want is to do something you have real passion for.  Thanks to Kay and Steve and Pole Passion for organising this ‘Snap and win’ competition, amazing prize! And for discovering, developing and moving pole fitness forward, which I have a great passion for.

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