Monday 19 August 2024

Are you looking after yourself as a pole fitness instructor?

How to Keep Your Sanity as a Pole Fitness Instructor (And Have a Little Fun Along the Way!)

Hey there, fabulous pole fitness instructors! Whether you're twirling through your day or helping your students master that perfect invert, we know you're constantly on the move. But here’s the thing – you can’t pour from an empty cup. That's why we're here to remind you to take a step back, breathe, and add a little self-care sparkle to your routine. So, grab a cuppa and let's dive into some tips to help you keep your sanity (and your smile) intact!

1. Put Boundaries in Place: Protect Your Personal Time Like It’s Your Favourite Pole Move.

We all love our clients, but they don’t need access to you 24/7. Set specific hours for answering inquiries, and make sure your clients know when you’re available. By setting these boundaries, you’ll have the space to recharge, ensuring you’re at your best when you're in the studio. Think of it as an invisible force field protecting your precious personal time.

Pro Tip: Set up an automatic reply that informs clients of your working hours. They’ll appreciate knowing when to expect a response, and you’ll appreciate the peace of mind that comes with logging off!

2. Schedule ‘Me’ Time: Because You Deserve It!

You give so much of yourself to your students, but don’t forget – you deserve some ‘me’ time too! Whether it’s indulging in a bubble bath, binge-watching your favourite series, or trying out that new aerial silk class, make sure you carve out regular time just for you. Your body and mind will thank you for it, and you’ll be able to bring even more energy and enthusiasm to your classes.

Pro Tip: Block out ‘me’ time in your calendar like it’s a non-negotiable appointment. Trust us, your future self will be forever grateful!

3. Connect with Other Instructors: Build Your Own Super Squad

Teaching can sometimes feel a bit isolating, especially if you're running your own studio. But remember, you’re not alone! Make it a point to connect with fellow instructors, whether that’s through online communities, local meet-ups, or even grabbing a coffee (or something stronger) with a peer. Sharing tips, having a laugh, and simply knowing someone else gets it can make all the difference.

Pro Tip: WhatsApp groups or a regular Zoom chat with other fellow instructors from different studios are a great place to start. You’ll have a ready-made support network at your fingertips!

4. Plan Your Week Out: Get Your Ducks (Or Should We Say, Twirls) in a Row

Organisation is key to keeping stress at bay. Take some time each week to plan out your schedule – from meal prepping to admin tasks, to setting time aside for personal training. When you’ve got a clear plan, it’s easier to stay on top of things and not feel overwhelmed by the million and one tasks on your to-do list.

Pro Tip: Use a planner or an app to map out your week. Include everything – even the small stuff – so nothing falls through the cracks!

5. Engage in Continuing Education: Stay Sharp, Stay Inspired

The world of fitness is always evolving, and as a pole instructor, you’ve got to keep up with the latest trends and techniques. Not only does this keep your classes fresh and exciting, but it also reignites your passion and reminds you why you fell in love with pole fitness in the first place. So, go ahead and sign up for that workshop, take a new course, or even just watch some tutorials online. Your students will love the new moves you bring to the studio, and you’ll feel more confident in your teaching.

Pro Tip: Dedicate some time each month to learning something new. It could be a new pole trick, a different fitness discipline, or even a business skill to help you run your studio more effectively.

Final Twirl

Being a pole fitness instructor is an incredible journey, full of passion, creativity, and yes, a lot of hard work. But by putting these tips into practice, you can ensure you’re not just surviving, but thriving. Remember, the happier and more balanced you are, the more you’ll be able to share that positivity with your students.

So, keep twirling, stay fabulous, and don’t forget to take care of YOU!