Going back to my roots… yehPole Dancers, performers, instructors and students
I couldn’t help but sing along as I travelled the Northern roads I used to travel as a child as my nan used to live in Stoke many years ago now.
Over the months watching Deb work extremely hard, accomplishing her dream with husband Mark. It was a really emotional time, not only for me but I bet hugely multiplied for Deb.
On stage the lights twinkled, music boomed and the poles gleamed, in amongst the Chinese pole, silk, trapeze and hoop. The large studio was a flourish with talented personalities who have travelled from far and near to congratulate Deb and to network with like minded people.
What energy – greeted by lovely hostesses and the amazing Debs herself it was a huge transformation from the previous months of an empty shell, plain brick walls and white radiators!!
Huge names in the pole industry were invited to perform, mingle and share their talent yet again –
Alesia Vazmitsel, show casing her amazing glamour and style Miss Pole Dance UK champion 2008 and titled No 3 in the world
Jenyne Butterfly flown in from Vegas - titled No. 2 in the world
Tracey Simmonds, MPD UK champion title holder
Elena Gibson World and MPD UK title holder 2005
Sally Ann Giles, 7 title holder champion
Pole new comers, Bridget, Chantelle, Jess Leanne,
And the amazing Emma Mitchell with her quirky pole/burlesque performance which had me laughing throughout.
With all so many pole instructors, to many to list, in the room appreciating the mixtures of pole talent. It was such a shame I had to disappear before the end so apologies if I’ve missed any performers off the list.
December 6th 2009