Move Syntax Coordinator
Deb Riley has been given the unique position of Move Syntax Coordinator along with Donna Gant as support - This position is for the WORLD FINALS ONLY
And one that is brand new to the pole competition industry!
This position was tested by Deb Riley last year on the judging
Move Syntax Coordinator – Deb Riley
This job will be challenging as she will need to watch the whole routine from start to finish without a blink!!!
So being able to write down and label the moves as they are performed
Knowing the names of the moves is essential or being able to describe an unknown move/transition with speed – this may be a variation of a move.
Obviously the industry has lots of different names for many of the same moves
Some moves are combinations of two moves which maybe called a new name!
However as long as we use the same format and name for each contestant during the competition that is the main thing.
This position, on the judging panel, does not include judging the presentation or dance/fitness elements of the candidate’s performance just purely on the Tricks category
All other judges will still judge the tricks category
Execution of moves (safely and effectively) must be considered when marking and listing the moves down!
Her job is to look for any new moves / pole poses and to label them?!! And document them – Making History
There is an award BEST TRICKS too
From Debs documentation of moves and the rest of the judge’s scores collaborating they will all collectively come up with the winner of this award
This award will be decided during the judge’s deliberation after all the competitors have competed
Move Syntax Coordinator support – Donna Gant
This position is set to study each move during their routine and to document it, using the same format as the move syntax coordinator for every contestant
This position is placed as a backup in case the main syntax coordinator misses a move – which could easily happen due to the concentration required for the whole of the 5/6 minutes per contestant!! X 12 contestants
This documented information will also be used in the case of a ‘pole down’ whereby two same winners may have the same points then tricks decide the winner.
The amount of different moves will be counted; also duplications will also be noted
The one with more moves will be judged higher than that person with less moves - This will only be used during the deliberation process in the event there is a tie and not during the initial judging process in accordance to the main rules and regulations
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