Tuesday, 21 January 2014

RPole Elite Range of Poles have been launched Official sponsors of World Pole Dance 2014

RPole - The Official Pole sponsors of Miss Pole Dance and World Pole Dance has today launched their Elite Range on facebook today
Creating yet further diversity in the Pole fitness and dance, home and gym market with this exciting and dynamic range of new poles, looks like it is set to empower more people to try pole techniques for fun and fitness.
The RPole Elite Range, enabling you to chose your colour to match your mood (or event) or even your decor
Visit the website now to see the exciting range of choices www.r-polefitness.com

We dare to be different

Directed by Kay Penney & Sue Thompson
Makeup and costume by Megan Burley
RPole Models Josh Head & Andi Active Cherry

For floor to ceiling poles and free standing poles

proud sponsors of World Pole Dance

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